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People's Daily: A Health Registration System for Overseas Chinese Citizens was Launched

20 May 2020 From:信息发布 Browse:     

The Overseas Citizen Health Registration System, which precisely serves overseas Chinese organizations and citizens, has been put into operation recently. Overseas Chinese organizations and citizens can register and use it for free. The system is developed and operated by CETC Taiji Group Corporation Ltd. and Diankeyun(Beijing) Science and Technology Co.,Ltd., both are from CETC Group.

Overseas citizens can keep close contact with the organization and inform their personal status via the system, so as to obtain medical, rescue and other services from the organization in time, and strive for precious opportunities for life safety. Since the system is released to the public, it has been used by the overseas Chinese organizations and citizens who are in Africa, Asia and other countries, achieving good results.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, CETC has cooperated with the National Health Commission to organize an expert team to launch the "One Network for All" Big Data Analysis System for Epidemic Prevention & Control and Resumption of Work & Production. The system has provided 2.2 billion times services for more than 600 million people.

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